Kay Mahoney Koustov Law

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Firearm & Weapon Offence Lawyers

Assault with a Weapon • Firearm Offence & Weapons Offences in Calgary

When formally charging a person with a weapons offence, the Crown has to determine whether the weapon is one defined specifically in the Criminal Code as a restricted or prohibited weapon or might be considered a potential weapon depending upon how it was used in regards to the offence.  There are various issues with regard to search and seizure of weapons protocol that the state is required to follow to avoid infringing on the citizens’ constituional rights.  All these factors give you ammunition to defend your case.  Our extensive experience in both defending and prosecuting weapons offences, and will provide you with unique legal perspective in your defence.


We can help you protect your rights!

We will defend your charges utilizing our knowledge of the law, while protecting and preserving all your rights.

We feel we can conquer almost any feat in this industry. In keeping with this mission, we offer a wide variety of services. No job is too big or small, as we treat each project with the same meticulous attention to detail. If you have more specific-related questions, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.


Get the Advice and Representation You Need, Call 403-617-0035.

Let Our Experience Be Your Guide